R Programming Online Training

What Are The Applications Of R Programming Language?

R is an open-source programming language that Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman created in 1993. It is a programming language with many mathematical and analytical techniques. It is easy to use and pick up.To know more about R Programming join R Training in Chennai at FITA Academy.

R can be used for a wide variety of purposes, but the following are some of its more popular ones:

1)R Programming In Research

R is a statistical research tool that many students use to carry out various statistical analyses and calculations. Linear and non-linear modelling, time-series analysis, classification, traditional statistic tests, clustering, and all other R executions and their libraries could be considered statistics techniques.

This language is employed in both machine learning and deep learning research. Its library can be utilised to support learnings that are monitored and those that are not. It is also a well-known programming language for learning machine programming.

2)R Programming In The IT sector

Small, medium, and large businesses use the R programming language for business intelligence. IT organisations do not solely employ it. Some firms utilise it for machine learning products. As a result, it can produce statistical data handling products and computational tools that allow it to develop data manipulation services.

3)R Programming In Finance

Since R is a statistical coding language, it is used in finance companies with much statistical data. R and data science have many applications in the finance industry. R is a powerful statistical tool that may be used for many different financial calculations and operations. R and its libraries can be used for various tasks, including risk assessment, time-series analysis, stock-market modelling, moving averages, auto-regression, financial data mining, etc.

4)R Programming In Ecommerce

E-commerce companies use the R for financial and marketing goals and to enhance website user experiences. With the help of R, they can improve cross-product selling since if a customer buys something from their website, it will suggest additional goods based on their prior purchases. These recommendations will be beneficial to current customers as well. Online businesses gather and manage organised and unstructured data from many different sources. R is used, among other things, for sales modelling, market strategy, targeted advertising, and financial data processing.

5)R Programming In Social Media

Social media companies like Facebook evaluate numerous behaviours and feelings using the R programming language. Users’ opinions can be altered and improved based on their past experiences and the attitude and tone of recently posted and viewed content. Based on their past and current emotions, individuals may have their advertisements tailored for them. To improve user experience, many programmers use R to analyse user sessions, traffic, and content.


I hope this blog will let you know about the applications of R Programming language.To know more about different uses of  R Programming language join R Programming Online Training to learn at your own pace. Thus R Programming has several applications such as research, finance, IT sector, Ecommerce and Social media.